States Housing across
States of Guernsey
May 2012
August 2014
Project and Cost Management
IPM Limited were appointed by the States of Guernsey Housing Department to provide project management services to review/facilitate/advice and manage repairs to foul and surface water drainage systems. The programme of works consists of 7 different sites to be completed by August 2014.The tasks that IPM Limited were appointed to do are:
Review existing survey information and budgets for drainage.
Prepare tender documents and invite using channel island tender portal.
Report on returned tenders and arrange contract signing meetings.
Contract administration and monitoring of site works within budget and programme constraints to the required specification.
Currently six sites have been completed with one waiting to commence.
The overall job is running well within budget and is on target to finish on schedule.
For further information on this project please contact David Mason Tel: 01534 752754 Email:
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