Department for Infrastructure
Mick Heald
David Mason
April 2016
April 2020
c. £16m
Programme Development
Project Management
This involved working with the Department for Infrastructure's transport team to develop a cohesive programme for the repair and modernisation of the Multi-Storey car park stock. The department wished to ensure that its desire to undertake modernisation works was co-ordinated with existing planned maintenance and minor repairs. The resulting programme set out the main stages required to define the modernisation schemes and to build them into the programme of redevelopment.Having delivered and agreed the programme, IPM then undertook the role of Project Manager for implementation, including the development of a procurement strategy and the selection of architects to develop the modernisation schemes.As part of this project, IPM has undertaken:
Information gathering, and engagement of team members (including a workshop) to develop the programme.
Documentation of the programme in a 'Programme Execution Plan', agreed by the client.
Developed a programme-wide procurement strategy and agreed with the client and corporate procurement.
Managed the process of evaluation and selection of appropriate architects to develop the modernisation schemes, including agreeing the selected architects with the client.
IPM continued to manage the main workstreams emerging from the modernisation programme until work was suspended in April 2020.
For further information on this project please contact David Mason Tel: 01534 752754 Email:
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