Aggregates Recycling Centre
La Collette
Department of Transport and Technical Services
October 2012
March 2013
On time and within budget
Commercially Sensitive
Project Management and Procurement
IPM Limited were appointed to prepare tender documents for the new contract for Construction and Demolition and Excavation Waste processing at La Collette.The contract was for an initial 5 year period but extendable for 2 more years. The aim is to increase recycling, minimize landfill and prepare a high quality product.Following a review of the current arrangement and a scoping workshop with all stakeholders including the Regulator, the tender documents were prepared and a tender issue seminar held.The responses have been analysed and interviews held.Following endorsement by the Project Board, the Contract will be awarded to the preferred tenderer.
For further information on this project please contact David Mason Tel: 01534 752754 Email:
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