Jersey Airport
St Peter
Jersey Airport
June 2006
June 2009
Project Management; Engineering design and Site supervision
The runway at Jersey Airport was last resurfaced in 1990 with Porous Friction Course (PFC). The PFC surface reached the end of its design life and needed to be replaced to ensure it met friction and drainage compliance requirements.
The Design Team prepared a design and specification for the Works on the basis of improving the overall runway geometric compliance towards Code 4C.
The primary challenge to the scheme was to safeguard the operation of Jersey Airport during the works, especially in the context of the daily hand back of the runway at the end of each night shift to allow safe operational use of the runway by aircraft.
The runway was completed in June 2009 to ensure the operation of the airport was not compromised during the busy summer holiday period.
For further information on this project please contact David Mason Tel: 01534 752754 Email:
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