College Gardens
Rouge Bouillon
St Helier, Jersey
Jersey Development Company
Tel. 01534 617449
July 2016
April 2019
Health & Safety Project Co-ordination Services
IPM are providing independent Health & Safety Project Co-ordinator services for the College Gardens Building Project. Which includes the development of 187 flats in six blocks, five new build and one refurbishment. As the main construction works are to be carried out in three phases, IPM have allowed for the phased review of the Health & Safety File.Tasks to be undertaken include:
Advising the Client and designers on their duties under the Regulations and assist in implementation of the same where required.
Review of the design information provided and advising on the avoidance / mitigation and the control of health and safety hazards associated with the same.
Undertake an initial site inspection in order to identify any hazards which should be included in the Pre-Construction Information.
Undertake a review of the design proposals with the design/project team in order to identify any hazards that should be included in the Pre-Construction Information and subsequently the Health and Safety File.
Ensuring co-operation and co-ordination between design team members where relevant to health and safety issues.
Development of a Pre-Construction Information Pack.
Review and comment on the Principal Contractor's Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan and arrangements for welfare provision prior to the commencement of works on site.
Complete a Health and Safety File Summary document that summarises the health and safety issues associated with the project and any residual hazards.
For further information on this project please contact David Mason Tel: 01534 752754 Email:
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