Isle of Man airport
Isle of Man
Department of infrastructure
July 2011
September 2012
Scheme Design Project and Cost Management
This project involved the replacement of the Isle of Man’s Airport hold baggage screening systemThe role of IPM Limited was to assist the Isle of Man Airport to select the most appropriate solution to meet their departing baggage system requirements. The requirement was partially driven by the need to replace the existing x-rays to meet the Department for Transport security requirements. There was also a need to provide a more flexible and resilient system whilst working with the Airport’s particular aircraft loading equipment.Following an options analysis including material flow diagram, review of single points of failure and baggage capacity rates a system was selected. Subsequently user requirements specification and tender documents were prepared. The baggage system requirements were also co-ordinated with the clients building design team. Following receipt of tenders a detailed assessment and post tender interviews were held to select the most appropriate contractors. The project was completed on time and within the original budget constraints.
For further information on this project please contact David Mason Tel: 01534 752754 Email:
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