David Mason
Russ Mathew
Emma Quintal
Ross Philpott
Various including Public and Private sector clients for both commercial and domestic construction projects
IPM Ltd have qualified and experienced team members who are able to undertake the duties of the Health and Safety Project Coodinator (HSPC). Since the introduction of the Construction (Jersey) Regulations 2016, IPM has become a leading on island supplier of these services.
Whilst we are able to undertake all of the duties required by legislation including:
Advising and assisting the client with their duties.
Notifying the Health and Safety Inspectorate of the project.
Coordinating H & S aspects of the design to ensure risk management procedures have been adopted.
Checking that the design elements are compatible without causing danger.
Ensuring effective communication and coordination between all parties.
Working with the Principal Contractor regarding ongoing design.
Collating and issuing pre-construction documentation.
Preparing, updating and issuing the Health and Safety File.
We are also able to offer further support to ensure that our clients meet their Health and Safety goals and ensure that the HSPC role becomes fully integrated into the project. This may include:
Obtaining surveys and reports.
Defining Health and Safety goals including the facilitation of risk workshops.
Reviewing Health and Safety management during construction.
Our proactive and supportive approach has developed into many repeat appointments on behalf of clients. It has also resulted in IPM being selected as project HSPC on a number of significant on island developments including Les Quennevais and Grainville schools, large and small commercial projects and numerous domestic builds.Please contact the team to discuss your requirements.
For further information please contact: David Mason Tel: 01534 752754 Email: davidmason@ipm.je or Russ Mathew Tel: 01534 752751 Email: russellmathew@ipm.je
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