David Mason
Russ Mathew
Various including Public and Private sector clients for both commercial and domestic projects
For further information please contact: David Mason Tel: 01534 752754 Email: davidmason@ipm.je or Russ Mathew Tel: 01534 752751 Email: russellmathew@ipm.je
Our prime role is to oversee the Funder's interests, providing technical expertise to identify, quantify, and comment on critical risks to a project.Written reports are provided at each stage of a commission offering advice and recommendations to ensure appropriate management and contract arrangements are in place to deliver the project in accordance with specified design, time and cost parameters, as well as our client's loan facility conditions.
Development Monitors can sometimes be viewed by Developers as an unwelcome intrusion. Good team working skills are therefore key for successful project delivery. It is always our objective, through positive attitude, effective communication and commercial awareness to add value for both our Clients, and theirs, through co-operation and shared goals.We start by ensuring a good understanding of our client's organisation and needs, allowing selection of the right team, establishing a clear communication protocol and agreement of clear project objectives.
A prime function of Development Monitoring is the early identification and quantification of risks to capital whilst they can still be managed. We establish, with the project team, mitigation measures, and report both on their effectiveness and ongoing implications of risk issues.
IPM provides an informed yet independent analysis of the project for the Funder, giving credibility to the Developer's proposals and facilitating completion of loan documentation.
We are always looking to improve how we do things and are ready to adopt new approaches that offer real benefit to our clients.
IPM employs experienced professionals who understand the Client's need to preserve capital by managing the time, cost and quality risks inherent in any construction project.
We understand the importance of good communications to the success of projects. We aim to ensure that our Clients are fully briefed, understand their risk exposure as it changes through a project, and that there are no surprises on completion.Our service provides an independent and continuous review of a development from its inception to completion. Our regular presence on site and at meetings is of particular value to parties who are not directly involved in the management of a project but who have acquired an interest in its successful delivery.
IPM provides an informed yet independent analysis of the project for the Funder, giving credibility to the Developer's proposals and facilitating completion of loan documentation.
We know that experience teaches us the principles, and we aim to learn from each new project. We strive to understand our Client's business and address their specific needs.Our approach to each commission is proactive and tailored to the Client's specific requirements. We use our knowledge and experience to add value to each scheme, by identifying areas of concern, offering opinions on likely outcomes and recommending solutions.
The Development Monitoring process is typically delivered in three stages:
Due Diligence
Regular Development Monitoring
Close Out Report
The technical due diligence report is a snapshot of the project and examines the design and construction risks associated with the scheme, how they are dealt with by the contractual documentation and how these risks can be managed or eliminated.
Regular reports provide our clients with an independent perspective throughout the construction process. During the course of the works, experienced staff attend meetings with the project team and undertake regular reviews of contract documentation to produce succinct reports detailing costs, quality, progress and compliance with the terms and conditions of the funding, lease or sale agreement.
At the end of the scheme, we produce a post completion report detailing the 'close out' of the project and any associated ongoing funding risks. This report is also an opportunity to identify and review lessons learned, in order to help mitigate risks on future projects.
We believe that there are a number of elements to our business which differentiate us from our competitors.
IPM are truly Independent Monitoring Surveyors having no links to other design professionals.
All our team have a Project and Risk Management background with experience of the full life cycle from inception to completion and occupation.
Our teams contain professionals from diverse backgrounds including quantity surveying, project management, and construction management. This provides the team with a balance of personalities and skills which we believe enhances the team and the service which our clients receive.
We are experienced at monitoring schemes across a range of sectors including commercial office, residential, leisure, hotel and education. This means that we are particularly strong at monitoring mixeduse developments as we have a good understanding of the complexities of each sector.
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