Department for Infrastructure
October 2016
March 2017
Project Management
Engagement Planning
Information Gathering
Workshop Facilitation
Process Design
Communications Planning
This involved working with the Department for Infrastructure's transport team to develop and implement a new concessionary bus pass scheme. Having secured Ministerial approval for the scheme, implementation was required to tight timescales. The nature of the scheme meant that engagement with a broad range of stakeholders was also of paramount importance.IPM was responsible for all aspects of the planning and delivery of the new scheme, including engagement with medical professionals and voluntary organisations along with liaison with LibertyBus over the operational aspects of the scheme.As part of this project, IPM has:
Developed the overall approach and project plan.
Facilitated workshops with the project team.
Undertaken engagement/information gathering with key stakeholders, including structured 1:1 interviews.
Developed and agreed the process design and supporting guidance documentation.
Developed and delivered a communications plan leading up to scheme launch.
Working with a local design agency, developed and agreed all promotional material, including application form, web-pages, brochure, poster and screen-based material.
The resulting scheme went live on 1 April 2017 and is now making a real difference to the travel needs of pass-holders.
For further information on this project please contact Mick Heald Tel: 01534 752752 Email:
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